"The Fabric of Space" is a clear representation of artist Greg Mort's visionary and provocative perspective on life. This powerful image gently draws the viewer into a Pandora's box holding the mysteries of the cosmos.
Painted in 1985 "The Fabric of Space" offers the observer the delicate intimacy of Mort's signature lace for which he is so well known and at the same time allows them to experience the free fall expansiveness of the universe. Dr. Carl Sagan chose to feature this awe-inspiring image in his award winning book Pale Blue Dot because of the artists' "singular and unique vision." He told Mort that his "art has the ability to transport the spectator using a perspective and vehicle that transcends time and definition."
The original watercolor painting of "The Fabric of Space" is in the private collection of the artist and his wife and has been part of many museum and gallery traveling exhibitions throughout the world. Mort chose "The Fabric of Space" as his first limited edition lithograph, working closely with the fine artisans of Westland Printers in Burtonsville, Maryland. The overall image size of the limited edition four color lithograph of "Fabric of Space" is 22.5" X 29.5" and is printed on museum quality Mohawk Superfine eighty pound paper. "The Fabric of Space" was published in a limited edition of only nine hundred and fifty.