The Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE
The North Museum, Lancaster, PA
National Collection of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
The White House
Corcoran Museum of Art, Washington, DC
National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
Brandywine River museum, Chadds Ford, PA
Farnsworth Museum of Art, Maine
Portland Museum of Art, Maine
Sun Cities Art Museum, Arizona
Mesa Southwest Museum, Arizona
Fine Arts Collection City of Boston, Massachusetts
Parkersburg Art Museum, West Virginia
Sandy Spring Museum, Maryland
Grand National Hotel, Lucern, Switzerland
NASA Art Collection, Smithsonian, Planetary, Aeronautics, Shuttle Art
Maryland Artists Collection, University of Maryland
Space Sciences Center, Cornell University
Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona
Space Port Kennedy Space Center
Montgomery County Fine Arts Collection, Maryland
MBNA America Bank
Goddard Space Flight Center
Covington and Burling
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Time, Inc.
Sandy Spring National Bank
Fisher Control Corp.
Federal Express
Col. And Mrs. William Anders, Apollo VIII Astronaut
President and Mrs. Bill Clinton
Mr. Mel Gibson
Ambassador and Mrs. Walter F. Mondale
Dr. Carl Sagan
Mr. Robin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wyeth